Farshad Fardad, CEO of Causal IQ, shares tips that he thinks will help you engage with your audience – specifically on mobile. The new territory of mobile native advertising allows brands to tell a story while respecting the user experience
By 2020, 63.2 percent of mobile display advertising will be native, which will comprise $53.4 billion in advertising revenue, according to research by IHS Technology. The future of mobile is native, but not all native is created equal.
People aren’t walking down the street surrounded by groups of salespeople pitching their products. That would be terrible! Consumers are walking with friends and family—people they have meaningful connections with. Because of the personal nature of mobile, “shouting” sales pitches via interruptive mobile display advertising is as invasive as a salesman coming up to you in the street. This type of marketing interrupts the user experience. Native, on the other hand, allows brands to tell a story while respecting the user experience.
So, how can you execute a successful mobile native advertising campaign? I’ve got three tips to help you get started:
1. Think about how your audience uses their mobile devices
To connect and engage with your audience, you will first have to find them. Consider your targets’ preferred platforms and apps, along with their daily habits—what time of day they are using each of their devices and for what purpose. Then utilize native ads, those that mimic the style of the site or app where they are served, in combination with what you know about your target audience and their online behavior, to ensure the delivery of relevant ads alongside the content that interests them.
Keep in mind the importance of brand safety. IAB predicts that this year, brand safety will be more important than ever for mobile native. You will get the most value from mobile native advertising by focusing on contextual placement overbroad reach. This plays perfectly into an omnichannel strategy where each medium serves a specific purpose and provides a different value to the advertiser, and the end user. Stay focused on your mobile native goals and play to the channel’s strengths for maximum results.
2. Consider the type of user experience and emotions you want consumers to associate with your brand
One of the best things about native is the ability to target against the content users are viewing. This allows you to align your ad with content that relates to your brand and the story you are telling. Remember that you are connecting with users on their personal device. There is something intimate about this. Customize your message and be sure to deliver it alongside content that is relevant to both the user and your brand. People often turn to their devices to serve an immediate need, whether that is to search for a restaurant or pass the time while they are waiting in line at Starbucks. Try to tie your messaging back to the user’s current mood or need whenever possible.
For example, a coffee chain can reach customers while they are at the shop sipping coffee and playing Words with Friends with a native ad that encourages them to “buy some brain food” or reminds them that “caffeine boosts mental focus.”
3. Identify branding and direct response metrics and optimize campaigns toward achieving them
On the onset of your campaign, be sure you have identified the appropriate metrics for measuring success. Then optimize your campaigns toward these goals.
For direct response campaigns, marketers typically optimize toward clicks or conversions. For branding, advertisers measure viewability and engagement rates, such as how long the user lingers on the page. Some brands create interactive mobile native experiences in which users take action within the ad itself. For example, a furniture store might serve an ad that allows users to take a closer look at items and prices pictured right within the ad. In this case, it makes sense to measure and optimize toward factors like engagement time and activity within the ad.
Mobile native advertising is new territory for many marketers, but there’s no better time than now to learn to master it. These tips will help you create and execute effective campaigns that drive results by storytelling—not shouting.
by Farshad Fardad
source: MTA