You’ve created a series of videos that are sure to attract positive attention from potential customers as well as your established clients. Now the question is where to share them. There has never been more options for video displays than today. Make the most of these options and you are sure to generate a lot of attention among consumers.
Video on Your Website
A staple of any attempt at video marketing and advertising is to display the video ads on your own website. Make sure consumers have an easy way to reach the videos from the home page. For example, perhaps your ad series is all about different ways to use the cookware that your company sells. By having a quick shortcut on the home page, it will be easy for consumers to find the videos, select one, and learn how to make a great casserole in five minutes or less. You can bet that many consumers will bookmark the video and possibly share it with their friends.
Video Sharing Sites are Great
Another approach to consider is placing the videos on more than one video sharing site. Many of these sites have free display options. It’s not unusual for some of them to allow users to establish channels and then pay modest fees to have their videos appear at the top of site search results. With the right planning, you can gain a lot of attention this way and build a loyal base of followers who also share your videos elsewhere.
Video and Social Media
Between hosting the videos on your business website and placing them on video sharing sites, you have the perfect setup for sharing them on social media. Set up a business page or account, then post regularly with information you think consumers will find helpful. Now and then, add a link to one of your videos. You’ll be surprised how this helps build more traffic and also provides one more way for consumers to share the videos with their online friends.
Programmatic Advertising
Those same ads can be displayed on a number of other websites. One of the most cost and time efficient ways to secure space on other sites is by using programmatic advertising. If you hear the word and immediately think programmatic what is programmatic, it helps to know this is a process employing software that is programmed with specific criteria you want in terms of choosing the right sites for your ads. Since the process is automated once you enter the criteria, you can spend more time running the business and evaluating the number of hits those ads receive.
Remember that devoting more of your advertising budget to video ads does not mean you have to abandon any approach that worked in the past. It simply means you will be enhancing what has already proven helpful in reaching the right consumers. Work with an expert to create and place video ads for the first quarter of the coming year. Once you see how they help your reputation and increase the bottom line, there will be no going back.
source: Times Square CHRONICLES